Plumbing Tips To Keep In Mind During The Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic continues to alter American life for millions of people. You've likely changed up your daily routine and are spending much more time around the house than you usually do. This might also mean that you are making greater use of your plumbing system since everyone is indoors almost all of the time. If you want to make sure that you get through the pandemic with your plumbing system unscathed, here are some tips that might help.

Toilet Paper Might Be in Low Supply But That's Not an Excuse to Flush Other Products

Stores across the country reported a run on toilet paper when the pandemic began. Levels may vary over time as the pandemic goes forward, but it's clear there was at least some mild panic out there about the shortages in some cities. But with that said, a shortage of toilet paper is not an excuse to start putting other things down your toilet drain. For example, you should never flush baby wipes, paper towels, or any other kind of paper product besides actual toilet paper. If you have to use these types of products to take care of business, throw them away in a garbage can afterward instead of putting it in the toilet.

Educate Yourself About Your Plumbing System

Plumbers are still working and may be available in case of an emergency, but you should also be ready to deal with a delay if a local plumber can't get to your house right away. That said, it's a good idea to be educated about how your plumbing system works regardless of what's going on in the world. Every member of your family should know where the main water shut off valve is located. You should periodically be inspecting your pipes in the basement and each faucet throughout the house for signs of leaks. The earlier you detect a problem, the better your chances will be of getting the issue fixed without a major escalation in the situation.

Wet Your Hands and Then Turn the Tap Off

If you want to save money on your water bill and give your plumbing system less of a workout during a time when everyone is washing their hands with great frequency, consider turning the tap off when washing your hands. For example, you can put some soap on your hands and then just wet your hands a bit before turning the faucet off. The water already on your hands will be enough to work up a lather with the soap for the next 20 seconds, you don't need to keep the faucet running the entire time.

Contact a plumbing contractor for more information.
