Has your air conditioner stopped blowing cold air? If so, don't panic. It's a common problem with central AC units, and it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll need a whole new unit. There are several different things that could cause your AC to stop blowing cold air. So, before you panic and purchase a new unit, check these air conditioner parts.
If you feel warm air coming from the vents in your home, it's possible that you don't have the thermostat set correctly. When the fan is on, but not the air conditioning, you won't feel cold air coming from the vents. Make sure the fan setting is set to "auto." This way, the fan only kicks on when the air conditioner goes into cooling mode. If this doesn't solve the problem, the thermostat may not be triggering the cooling mode correctly. So, when you call an air conditioner repair company, have the repairman check the thermostat. It's possible that you simply need to have the thermostat rewired or replaced.
Did you clean your unit before you started using it this year? If you haven't replaced your unit's filter, debris can clog the air conditioner coils, blocking the cool air. The first thing you need to do is replace your unit's filter and clean the debris from your air conditioner's coils. Then, you need to use a temperature probe to check the air going in and coming out of your AC unit. The air coming out of the unit should be approximately 15 degrees cooler than the air going into the unit. If it isn't, allow the coils to cool off, remove the coil assembly and clean it thoroughly.
If you air conditioning unit isn't blowing cold air, it may not have enough freon. The freon in your unit passes through the coils, changing from liquid to gas. This makes the coils extremely cold. As the air from your house passes over the coils, the temperature of the air lowers to cool your home.
If your unit is low on freon, you need to have the air conditioner repair company recharge your unit. Also, when the repair technician is charging your unit, ask them to check for freon leaks. It's common for older units to have small leaks, often from corroded pipes, that can easily be fixed so that your air conditioning unit holds a charge.
When your air conditioner stops blowing cold air, you shouldn't automatically think about the worst case scenario. While it's possible that you will need to replace the entire unit, more often than not, there's a much simpler, and cheaper, solution to the problem. For more information, contact an air conditioning repair service like Elite Heating, Cooling and Plumbing.