The Basics Of Furnace Maintenance Benefits

Summer is the perfect time to start planning your annual furnace maintenance appointment. For many homeowners, furnace maintenance is, at best, an afterthought. For some, it's never thought of at all. Unfortunately, skipping those annual maintenance appointments can be hazardous to your furnace and your home. Here's a look at some of the reasons why your annual furnace maintenance should be a top priority during the off-season period.

Annual Maintenance Keeps The Furnace Clean

A key part of your annual furnace maintenance appointment is cleaning the furnace. You might think that cleaning is no big deal, especially if you keep your air filters changed on your own throughout the year. However, keeping your furnace clean is essential.

Over the heating season, your furnace draws in dirt, dust, lint, and other particles into the motor and the control panel. These things can build up and put your home at risk of an electrical fire if you don't schedule routine cleaning and maintenance to clean them out.

Additionally, the firebox of your furnace will accumulate ash, debris, and even sometimes rust particles. It needs to be cleaned out regularly to prevent excessive accumulation that can stifle the firebox and potentially either lead to a fire or a malfunctioning furnace.

Annual Maintenance Ensures Air Flow

Annual furnace maintenance includes cleaning out the air intake and vent pipes for your furnace as well. This step is vital because your furnace depends on a clean, clear flow of air through the system at all times.

In some cases, insufficient air can prevent your furnace from running. When vent lines are clogged, you risk a buildup of carbon monoxide that can be dangerous in your home. Avoid either of these problems by scheduling your annual maintenance before the cool weather sets in.

Annual Maintenance Prevents Problems

When your furnace repair technician completes the annual maintenance routine on your furnace, another key component is inspecting the furnace for signs of wear, tear, and impending component failure.

Addressing potential problems before they become serious can help you to reduce the risk of a furnace failure in the midst of the cold weather season. You can be more confident in the condition of your heating system and its ability to produce heat while you need it.

These are some of the reasons why you should consider working with a furnace maintenance technician before each heating season. Understanding the importance and benefits of furnace maintenance can help you to prioritize this maintenance every year.

For more information on furnace maintenance, reach out to a local HVAC contractor.
